Sunday, January 27, 2019


   Is it even possible I haven't covered coffee yet? Where do I start?
Breakfast? Nine a.m. break time? After dinner with dessert? Road trip essentials, fill up with gas & grab some Java/Joe/COFFEE! The Commute by car, train, ferry or air: gotta have coffee! That was a great sermon, Pastor, let's head back for coffee & cake! Homework, crammin' for finals, any arts & crafts project, you need two things: music and coffee.  And can you imagine going on a camping trip and not bringing along the coffee? Remind me to never go camping with you!
Latte love

  Now we all know coffee grows on trees, right, so it's not actually a bean is it? More like a nut, really. But "coffee nuts" just doesn't have the right ring to it. So, coffee beans.  Whole bean. Ground. Instant? Espresso, anyone? Praise God for K-Cups! Speaking of praising God, I recall back in the day how my brothers & I would help set up the Fellowship hall at church and fill up this humongous coffee maker- I mean bigger than a fire hydrant! Years ago I went to this Vineyard church in Waterbury that was actually upstairs from a Dunkin' Donuts! How convenient!
    Anyway, now that we've breeched  (or is it broached?)the subject: Orange & Pink, or Green? The misspelled pastry, or the twin-tailed Reubenesque mermaid? Yes, the greatest coffee rivalry ever: DUNKIN' or STARBUCKS? Well my friends, I actually patronize both mega-corporations weekly. I don't have a favorite, I like both. To be honest, I miss Borders, but that's a whole "Nother" subject.
  Anyone remember percolators?  Drip coffee-makers are way better, but single cup brewers are better still. Of course low-tech is best, and we often enjoy our Cafe' Bustello brewed up fresh in our little stove-top espresso maker.
  A couple years ago, my wife and I stayed at her mother's old home in the Dominican Republic. We would sit out mornings with her neighbor, chatting about whatever while sipping coffee and munching on galletas (crackers).  Back home, when the weather's nice we'll sit out Saturday mornings having our coffee out on the patio swing. Good times.  
   And iced coffee? A summertime staple around here!
Jamaican me crazy
   You all know how I'm a smell guy, and the smell of fresh-brewed coffee in the morning is certainly one of my  favorite aromas! And like, ya ever get in the car with someone and notice they got themselves a cup of coffee, but didn't buy you one?  I think that's a signal they want gas money.
   But, yeah, good times. Good times is what coffee's all about. Whether you're getting together with family, friends, or co-workers, coffee just makes it all better! 
A little bit of Paris in Brooklyn
   By the way, gift cards to the coffee shop make great little thank-yous and presents, jus' sayin'!
Yes, there are other things to drink: hot chocolate, tea, mulled cider, and such....but this is America, dammit, and we drink coffee! 
It's one of the things we LOVE about life!
Have some today!


Sunday, January 13, 2019

In Praise of Paper!

   Welcome, Friends! After a lengthy absence, we have returned!
And today we'll reflect on that simple, yet vital aspect of our lives, culture, and civilization: paper! Though we live in a digital age- indeed I'm writing this in the virtual world- I'm Old School, and love real stuff printed on real pages I can hold in my hands and still read even if the power goes out.
   Calendars, maps, the Sunday funnies, cash, menus---are all just better in hard copy. And what home gardener doesn't love receiving in his or her mailbox the latest seed catalogs in the Dead of Winter? Flipping through those glossy, colorful pages of photos of carrots, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, squash, and corn melts away the February chill. And each December: how we love sending and receiving Christmas cards with hand-written notes!
   Speaking of notes, how would we ever have made it through high school without taking tons of notes in our 3-ring binders? Truth be told, my first communication with my lovely wife was a little hand-written note with a hastily scrawled smiley face: much more personal than any digital emoji.  Or how could you make a decent Scrap Book without actual scraps of paper concert tickets, movie ticket stubs, post cards (remember those?), church bulletins, and the like?
   And what would you do with all your refrigerator magnets if your kids didn't do their school assignments on actual, real paper? Or how could their teachers honor their efforts without a paper to stick stickers on? Imagine what your home might look like without those construction paper art projects all over the place. Picture your kids' rooms without their favorite posters adorning the walls!
   And tell me your kitchen Junk Drawer isn't crammed with important phone numbers jotted down on paper plates, Post-It notes, or junk mail envelopes! Not to mention random business cards and Chinese food menus with your favorite take-out orders circled. Orders that came with curious little cookies containing great pearls of wisdom just for you on little slips of paper printed in blue or red ink. (Some of those may have made their way into your scrap book if they haven't escaped the junk drawer.)
   And how could your beloved classmates forever express their appreciation for you if you didn't have a Year Book to sign?  To say nothing of your diploma! I could go on and on- and I will.
 How many people today are millionaires because they bothered to check the numbers on a tiny slip of paper they were about to toss out? Go through your automobile's glove box sometime and see how many wonderful treasures you can discover. You may even locate your Registration or insurance cards among the packets of artificial sweeteners, napkins of brown recycled paper, receipts from car repair shops, expired coupons, and my favorite, those itty-bitty salt & pepper packs that come with your fast food sporks. Maybe under that road map you never could figure out how to fold right.
   Yes, paper is a huge part of our lives, and may even figure in our Eternity.  Back in the day, we would pass out simple leaflets of Gospel Tracts along the way. Who knows who may be in Heaven right now because one day some stranger, friend, or co-worker handed them a bit of paper that informed them, for the first time possibly,
For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son that whosoever believeth on Him should not  perish, but have everlasting life.
   It's true! 
      For all these things and more, paper is something we love about life.